Earthguide Online Classroom
Helping Your Kids Learn

Please note that content and links are provided for convenience only. While we do our best to check the quality of our content, we cannot guarantee that it is always correct. We try our best to correct errors as soon as they are brought to our attention so please let us know if you find an error. Hyperlinks that Earthguide provides to external websites do not imply official Earthguide endorsement of, or responsibility for, the content contained on those sites. Links are provided as a service to the user, and Earthguide does not retain editorial control over them. No endorsement of a product or a point-of-view should be inferred.

Helping Your Child Series

La serie de Ayudando a su niño

Brochures with ideas to help your preschool to younger adolescent child in science, mathematics, reading, homework, and more.

  • For parents from
    the U.S. Department
    of Education

PBS Parents

Parent's guide to children's television programming on PBS.

For science, nature, technology and other quality educational programming, see the PBS or KPBS San Diego websites.

  • PBS
  • KPBS - San Diego


Spanish language television programming that emphasizes children's programming, science, nature, technology and much more.

V-me Media, Inc. "is a partnership of PBS flagship, Thirteen/WNET New York, and private investors, led by The Baeza Group and including Syncom Funds, both of which specialize in investing in media companies to reach underserved markets."

In the news

Current observations such as weather, tides, drought status, wave report, fires and much more.

Links to online news sources that cover current topics related to earth, marine and environmental subjects.
Frontline: digital_nation

Experts discuss many aspects and viewpoints related to the value of digital technologies in our modern lives, including education.

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at Scripps Institution of Oceanography
All rights reserved.